context: [] links: - title: Other self-portaits url: '' backStory: text: >- I was seeing a friend at her home. She's recovering from an illness. After lunch, she fell asleep and I killed time making self-portraits at her bedroom window. author: Naina Redhu magazine: magazineUrl: '' date: 'November 22, 2016' creativeCommons: copyright: Naina Redhu. All Rights Reserved. © 2016 codeOfEthics: >- Image was photographed using the selfie camera on the Google Pixel XL. Edited first in VSCO where contrast, exposure, vignette and saturation were manipulated. Edited again in Instagram where a filter was applied and more vignette added to remove peripheral distractions visible behind me in the bedroom. description: Self portrait of Naina Redhu.