Was inspired by a bit of gossip. Unprofessionalism and how it seems to have gotten worse with the younger crop of Influencers in the Indian market. I relate a couple of incidents and I talk about how this is harmful to all. At all levels of the industry, whether you’re in PR, brand-side or an influencer / blogger yourself.
Download Audio-Only here : #27-TheNainaRedhuExperience-Episode-27-Young-Influencers-Professionalism-Audio-Only
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1 comment
My god!!!! You took the words right out of my mouth! I come across this so often, but then I look at the positive side – I have access to the representative from the brand – whether a CEO, Mktg guy, whoever – EXCLUSIVELY 😉
I guess PRs also need to ‘educate’ clients about how to differentiate between who is a serious blogger/ writer vs who is just a booty hunter 😉
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