I don’t know if you know about my podcast – but there is one episode I record every week! Decided to do an impromptu “promo” type short one-minute video for it because why not. I published this across all my social media channels last week. I had been thinking about recording a promo-type thing for a few days and while recording the latest episode of the podcast, decided to give it a shot. Ended up make two one-minute videos. Will put the other one on soon.
I love that the internet makes this possible – I’m like a whole media house rolled into one. Broadcasting audio, video, photographs, words, my own self.
On the podcast I talk primarily about how I work, my experiences, etc. So there’s a lot of blogging talk, photography talk, clients, gigs, and whatever else I’m upto.
The mother lode of all episodes is always on naina.co/tnre
But you can also find audio only RSS feed here : naina.co/podcast
and specifically iTunes : naina.co/itunes
If you’re more interested in looking at my pretty face instead of just listening to the audio, you can see me on YouTube : youtube.com/nainaredhu
#TNRE #TheNainaRedhuExperience