Sometimes, I think I should call this podcast, “I don’t know what I’m talking about” and not because I suffer from a crippling ego problem due to Impostor Syndrome but because by the time I’m done recording, I wonder aloud, “What the hell were you thinking Naina?!” Anyway. Grammatical errors & foul language aside, I was particularly irked by the recent spate of “Fashion Bloggers Need To Be Stopped” updates that have been popping all over my Indian Twitter / Facebook feeds. So this is a rant. I’m giving examples of three specific cases I’ve witnessed and I also throw in “mindfulness”. Yup. Like I said. I don’t know what I’m talking about. Listen / watch at your own risk.
On the technical side of things, OMG I’m never recording on my phone’s selfie mode again! This is the first time I’ve recorded the podcast video on a DSLR ( used my Nikon D800 with the 24-70mm f2.8 zoomed to 50mm ) and even though I had to record the entire episode twice – because first time I conveniently pressed a button that was NOT THE RECORD BUTTON – I will definitely be recording on my DSLR again! ( I did give up and decided not to record the episode again but then I felt that me wildly gesticulating in the video would convey my words better than only audio. It is supposed to be a “podcast” so there is always an only-audio version that can be downloaded from my website and subscribed to from various podcast apps but the YouTube component cannot be ignored. So. I re-recorded. Thankfully went well. )
I do look fatter on the DSLR. Probably because I have gotten fatter. Gotta slow down on that beer and wine intake.
In terms of editing time, it took as much time as the phone files take – maybe took lesser time because file transfer works faster directly DSLR to laptop. Copying from the phone to the laptop is slower.
Also tried something new with the custom / featured image that is used as the “cover” for the video and for social media update and OMG yummy.
So much for wanting to record shorter episodes. *rolls eyes*
NOTES that led to this episode :
– Photo girl standing man looking : it’s fake, terrible/exotic etc
– Bloggers : poverty / yoga in traffic
– No one’s perfect – our lives are up for scrutiny in the public eye – most doing the scrutiny aren’t in public or their mediocrity doesn’t show up publicly
– Did you get paid?
– Takes courage to put yourself out there
– Focus on self – don’t lash out/respond – remember, trolls come in all shapes sizes – if they’ve never reshared your work that they’ve liked, ignore them when they reshare what they think is bad behind your back – ignore anything behind your back
– Take criticism only from those who matter. To know who matters, read brene Brown’s daring greatly
– There might be something wrong yes, talk to those who matter, sleep on it, then consider how you can make your work better
– Blogging in India is new, no role models, make your own rules – you affect the industry – pull up everyone else with you – ignore the bucket of crabs
– “I’m better than you” no. Just different. We don’t know each other’s stories. Don’t assume.
– Comments reveal more about commentor than about the thing/person being commented upon
– If the brand approved it, you’re good – don’t forget who’s paying you – don’t ignore the audience but there’s an audience for everything
– Dhinchak Pooja case in point – you think she’s waiting around to see what you have to say? She’s already making her next video.
Enjoy! And thank you for listening / watching. What do you think about this series? Is there something I’m completely missing? Am I talking about stuff that’s too basic? Am I making any sense? Would love to know!
Download Audio-Only here : #55-The-Naina-Redhu-Experience-TNRE-Fashion-Bloggers-Need-To-Be-Stopped-Criticisms
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