“I must be the only idiot in the country who is returning money that has already been credited into my bank account. And this after you have wasted my time that you cannot afford to pay for.” I said as the voice in my head told me that I was definitely not the only idiot – there must be more. There had to be. Come on! Just another day in the world of blogging and professionalism. Or who knows, I’m probably truly an idiot. And an asshole. Must not get ahead of myself. I know nothing after all.
And then the death threat for challenging copyright infringement of MY photos. Some dolt posted photos on Instagram – and they tagged me too. Images lifted from my blog ( I’ve never posted them on Instagram because when I shot them, there was no Instagram ). Conveniently they also pasted their watermark on top of mine.
To all y’all who advised that I should watermark my images, you are indulging in victim-blaming.
In closing, “Hey! It’s ALL fucked up! I have photos to make and edit and publish. Toodles!”
Download Audio-Only here : TNRE-67-Instagram-Copyright-Professionalism-Blogging
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