( The second half of the video I forgot to turn off the ceiling fan – sorry about the background noise. )
I’ve been calling my previous videos “rants” but this one just tops it all. After having lost track of the number of times I’ve been asked, “What camera do you use?”, I didn’t think it was possible for me to get more irritated with any similar question till I started hearing the, “What’s the best camera?” WTF is that?! This video is all about that and a whole lot of other stuff. Remember, you can ask me anything you want and there is no such thing as a “stupid” question regardless of how many times I say it is. To increase your chances of actually receiving an answer, be as specific with your question as you can be. If you need specific advice about your blog and your photography business and how you should move forward, I can do a paid consulting session over the phone or Skype but in these videos I can’t tell you how much you should charge – I know nothing about you – knowing more about you and your history will take research and work and that will be work that takes some hours, hence, chargeable.
Vincent LaForet’s blog post about CODB ( Cost of Doing Business ).
All the amazing new Adobe stuff from Adobe MAX 2015, the creativity conference.
The cameras I use : FujiFilm X100, FujiFilm XT10, Nikon D800, Nikon D810
The lenses I use : Nikkor 14 – 24mm F2.8, 24 – 70mm F2.8, 70 – 200 F2.8, 50mm F1.8
The laptop I currently use : Lenovo Y510P
The mobile phone I currently use and photograph with : HTC One M8
The software I use for photo editing : Adobe Lightroom in combination with VSCO Film Presets
Download Audio-Only here : #07-What-is-the-best-camera-There-isnt-one
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