In the 25th episode of The Naina Redhu Experience, which is back after a LONG break – the last one I recorded and uploaded was in February 2016 *YIKES* – I talk about why the series is back, what was the thought process behind the decision to bring it back AND, more importantly, I talk about how blogging is related to sales of products – or not.
Some brands mistakenly believe that the day they feature their products on a blogger’s blog or an influencer’s Instagram page, the products will be sold out. It is a mistake to believe this for a few reason – which are discussed in the video. And it is also a clear indication of the brand not being aware of how blogging or Influencer Marketing works. So there’s room to discuss and understand and explain there. ( If it’s a brand you really want to work with as an Influencer. If not, don’t waste your time educating the whole world. ) The India market works very differently from the one in the US, so comparing Indian bloggers and influencers to their counterparts in the US is well, counterproductive! We all end up running the wrong metrics and in circles.
Download Audio-Only here : thenainaredhuexperience-episode-25-blogging-sales-audio-only
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