I recently got to spend some time with fashion designer and wonderful human Anu PD. We got lunch together and then Anu spent some time regaling me with stories connected to her latest collection. I love spending time with her. It’s refreshingly rare to get an opportunity to spend time with someone who radiates “nice”. And that shows through in her clothes as well. Happy. Love. Colorful. Easygoing. Nice.
Above, Anu on the right who is also one half of A4A ( the poster on the left lists everything that A4A does. )
We spent some time at Imperfecto at Hauz Khas Village. Anu’s studio and retail space is right next to the restaurant as well.
Isn’t she beautiful? I had to ask her to stop smiling so that I could get one photo where her eyes weren’t squeezed shut. She’s adorable. We headed to her store and I got to hang out with delicate, beautiful, well thought-out clothes.
Her latest collection has cross-stitch embroidery but not on the fabric that is ubiquitously used for cross-stitch embroidery! I can’t imagine the research time that must have gone into getting the details just right. The quality of what I saw was impeccable. The fabrics, the seams, the little details that add character to a dress and the gorgeous colors.
This collection’s theme is Love and I know Anu is all about love herself. I have not known her long, yet I’m quite in love with her. Each time I meet her, it’s like meeting an old friend I’ve known forever. And I will not be surprised to hear that everyone who meets her feels the same.
Above, some details from Anu’s store.
Anu’s label is also big on flowers and they have a variety of techniques to create these lovely fabric beauties.
The saree above had me agape for a few seconds. I caught my breath and nearly drooled all over it. Beautiful craftsmanship that’s just right. Anu’s store had pieces from other collections as well and the feeling I got was that she loves to cater to whatever customizations her clients ask for. While it is important for Anu to use her collections to express a particular theme, she cares deeply about what her customers want to finally wear and is happy to provide customizations.
Above, one of Anu’s best-selling pieces. The rainbow saree! Delightful to the hilt and a comfortable, breezy, beautiful fabric as well.
This is another series that Anu had done previously. Called “Faces”, the detailing was produced on sarees, clutches as well as t-shirts.
I found Anu’s aesthetic to be “pleasing”. If I had to pick one word. If you find your style reflected in her clothes, you will literally feel the happy. I’m just super happy to be around her each chance I get.
Anu also generously agreed to pose for the #LiveInCotton project I’m currently shooting and you can see her profile on the liveincotton.tumblr.com blog. Thank you Anu!