Since the day we got to New York, there was ONE place that Akanksha kept insisting we had to go to and get Pizza at. Guess when we actually went to the place? Two days before we left New York. And it was perfect because nothing could have been better once we’d been there so it was ok that we were leaving. The Pizza was AMAZING! Definitely going back to Lombardi’s Pizza whenever I’m back in New York next. We went in, the hostess handed us a remote buzzer thing, 20 minutes wait time – as soon as they had a table for us, they would buzz us on it. We waited outside on the bench, looked at people crossing the street – I could NOT wait to stuff my face with pizza.
We got in and were led to a table for two. They accept only cash – no credit / debit cards. They have beer and you can ask to mix and match your pizzas as long as it is possible to make those pizzas together. We ordered a simple one – I’m sure Akanksha remembers what it was called – I was just too busy eating it. It was fabulous.
I was so busy taking a loo selfie at the end that I forgot my phone in the washroom. Luckily a Lombardi’s cleaner went in after me and kept the phone and I got it back. Phew. If I hadn’t gotten my phone back, I wouldn’t have been able to make most of this blog story! Lombardi’s is recognized as the first ever Pizzeria to open in the whole of the United States of America! I am quite thrilled and amazed at the fantastic quality of pizza they continue to churn out – I wonder what it would have been in 1905 when they opened!
( Other New York stories on #EyesForNewYork and all food stories on #EyesForDining )