Watch it fullscreen – button at bottom right of the above window. Pointed the camera in a different direction that usual.
I love watching clouds form and dissolve in timelapse videos. But it takes hours to create a decent timelapse video where the viewer may be able to watch the movement of clouds even for just a few seconds. Hours of recording time for a few seconds of viewing time. And the way a timelapse is recorded, it’s not a video recording – each frame is an individual shutter click – so there’s a cost to the camera’s life as well. I hate it but I love it. I hate doing it – the process of creating timelapses. But I LOVE watching the results, even the ones I create myself. This is probably one of the most dissatisfying timelapse snippets to watch – that I have ever created. Even reducing speeds and replaying the snippet in reverse doesn’t seem to help the viewing at all.
There are a few more of these from my recent trip to Ranikhet and I will be working on those in the coming weeks. For other Ranikhet features, see #NAINAxRanikhet on this blog.
More Timelapse Photography on
If you’re looking for a solid WordPress Managed Hosting plan that lets you upload and publish your own videos like the above, check out the one I use with DreamHost. I’ve uploaded the above video using WordPress’ Jetpack VideoPress, which is included in my hosting plan.