I was introduced to Vincet LaForet’s work a few months back. His website : http://www.laforetvisuals.com/ and his blog : http://blog.vincentlaforet.com/. I loved the images in his portfolio and then saw he had also published a book called Visual Stories. Luckily it was in stock on the Flipkart website and I ordered one.
The book comes with a DVD, which, in my opinion is the book’s only weak point. The DVD contains footage of the photographer sitting in a dark room and after each slide of the images already there in the book, he picks up the camera, mounted with the lens he used to shoot it and tells us the settings the image was photographed on. I was expecting something like a workshop / behind the scenes footage. Apart from this one nag, I love what the book has to offer. I say it’s a must-read for photographers who are starting out.
The book in itself is a visual treat and the photographer talks about various experiences of how he managed to make a particular photograph. These are interesting anecdotes that give insight into the life of a professional photographer on the field and clearly tell the reader that it is not the glamorous lifestyle it is assumed to be.
The table of contents above give a clear idea of the areas / genres that Vincent photographs. He has now progressed to shooting motion as well.
Visual Stories is a great collection of stories from Vincent’s life as a photographer and some of the bits he shares give an insight into the kind of photographer he is. As a photographer myself, I could draw on his experiences and was also able to draw some parallels to my own life. Although, by no means have I photographed as much as Vincent has. Also, if you are interested in ariel photography and would like a perspective on what that might entail, this book is a must have.
It is a quick read with stunning visuals with slices of insight into Vincent’s life and gives background and some understanding of what he does now. While most of the subjects Vincent has photographed would be out of reach for newbie photographers, there’s a lot of “meat” here that tells you what to expect.
Now for the giveaway! Yes, I am giving away this book to one lucky winner, who will be chosen at random. All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post. You don’t have to follow me on Twitter & you don’t have to like my page on Facebook [ although the links for those are @naina and http://www.facebook.com/naina.co ]. The giveaway ends on Friday, 20th July and the winner will be announced on Monday 23rd of July. I will email you asking for your address and courier the book [ along with the DVD, which has been played once ] to you. The winner will be chosen like this : I will close comments on midnight 20th July; I will write down one name on one piece of paper including the names of all commenters on individual bits of paper; I will put those bits of paper in a bowl and then pick one.
The contest is open only for residents of India. If you would like to read a detailed review of this book with notes in my diary, you can find it in five parts on Thoughtwasp here.
You can also download a PDF of those hand-written notes. It is a 5 MB file.
I purchased my copy of Visual Stories by Vincent LaForet from Flipkart. .
i was following your reviews on thoughtwasp, the handwritten notes are very helpful, it doesn’t matter if i get the book or not. Last night i was reading the “steal like an artist ” review. Its very good, you are doing a great work mam, maybe we all can’t afford such books right now, but your reviews are helping a lot.
Thank you very much.
Hi Naina,
The Book sounds very interesting and your presentation makes ‘ Visual Stories’ even more interesting and aspiring. 😉 It would be just perfect timing and good luck if i win this book at this moment , it’s bad enough for a photographer by passion and now profession to not to be able to get on one’s feet and click worse when one’s grounded coz of a foot injury for 3 weeks 🙂 So Let me try my luck …excitedly await the response . I personally love picking chits too …i take my toughest life decisions that way ! he he he he 🙂
Cheers !
That’s the first visual review of this book I guess. Nicely written with up to the point and this book gets promoted to must read from my may be read list. Now after reading this review and glimpsing through the note (gifted handwriting I say), this will be my next read after I complete “Food Photography” by Nicole Young.
This might be the perfect thing to get me back into taking more photos 🙂
looks like quite the admired giveaway choice — the book truly will have the insight and inspiration that one needs in these days to come — later days
hmmm…sounds and looks interesting…
anythng in photography attracts me…..n specially if it is coming frm u….
got to try my luck..!! 🙂
This will be an inspiration to me. A souvenir much cherished.
The power of visuals and the charm of storytelling does have an impact. Could love to have this one 🙂
Would love to understand what makes a photographer’s working life out in the field…
I’ve just started learning photography as a hobby (no, don’t have a FB page yet) and I’d love to win this one 😉
Hi Naina,
I love reading. And I love photos. Am an amateur photographer and this book looks awesome. Nice work on your blog. As always. Will keep my fingers crossed and pray to God for some luck. Photography books by and large are very expensive .. Kudos to you for sharing! 🙂
Hi Naina. I’ve just quit the 9-5 (9-9) job hoping to be a photographer, and not just any photographer, but a good one. This book may just become one of my inspirations. So, into the bowl with me! 🙂
It seems very exciting. Would love to gift this to one of my close friend who shoots for living.
This is a comment to win the book 😛 #honest
What an amazing collection. It’s a timeless book.
Came here through twitter – trying my luck 🙂
A coffee table treat for me too! Just washing my hands in a flowing river.. 🙂
Ok. So here’s how we are going to get this. I would love to win this too! 🙂
P.S. How do you manage to get so many different backgrounds for all the reviews (both products and books)? This one, with the polka dots on red has been the best till now!
It seems a really nice book..definitely want to have it..thank you in advance. 😛
Wishes for you.
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