In a first, the blog has not one but two features on Gucci in the same month – and this is the first time the brand has made an appearance on! ( The first was the In The Name of Gucci book review I wrote for The Luxury Issue of Business Today and this is the second one. )
It would be sacrilege to try and describe the collection or Trouble Andrew – a lot has been written and published about these. Some notable links include : W Mag interview with Trevor Andrew, “Trouble Andrew” on Instagram, New York Times on Gucci’s Renegade Line and the Dazed Digital article about The NYC graffiti artist who spray-painted Gucci AW16. For Alessandro Michele to bring Trevor into the fold and actually let him do what he does best, is remarkable. What a great way for an old-school luxury brand to get street-cred and “cool” points! We are quite astounded that this actually happened and we are also not at all surprised that the collection flew off the racks. ( I’ve heard the REAL bag is on a six-month waiting list at the Gucci India store at DLF Emporio! )
And a fun party to celebrate it. Gucci India’s team were as gracious as hosts can be. The red wine was excellent and Edward Lalrempuia manning the music was fun-fun! All the usual faces showed up ( bloggers, editors, musicians, artists, photographers, fashion designers, jewellers, loyal customers and Gucci fans ) and the party only added more credence to the “relevance” that all old-school brands seem to be gunning for – without losing their original substance. Just because you’ve been around for decades doesn’t mean that the brand continues to be relevant – and success in the market depends heavily on relevance – in today’s deficient-of-attention world. Now whether you sit around waiting for the audience and consumers to recognize that relevance or you grab it by it’s coat tails and do what Gucci has done, is entirely up to top management.
We are certain that Gucci CEO Marco Bizzarri is rubbing his hands with glee at having made the right decision hiring Trevor Andrew at Alessandro Michele‘s behest. Also better to embed someone skirting the lines of copyright infringement into creating more value for your brand instead of sending them a cease & desist notice.
Did you know Trevor Andrew is a “former Olympic Canadian snowboarder”?
Gucci Ghost Women | Gucci Ghost Men
Some photos from the setup and the party last night.
Thank you for having us over Maneka, it was a lovely evening well-spent!