I shot multiple frames to construct this square, large-format plate. The final image file for each set is easily larger than 4 GB in size.
My parents and I have been going on an annual vacation to Ranikhet for about a decade now. I always carry my DSLR but wasn’t feeling too inspired this time around. Of course, that triggered an idea and I decided to focus on a few subjects that personify and / or represent Ranikhet for me and the family.
I ended up calling this series “Vacation Objects” and turned it into a personal project.
All images are shot in the same format and I’m writing brief descriptions to explain why the subject is significant.
This is the seventh image from this personal project series that I’m writing about. To see all, as they are published, #NAINAxRANIKHET #VacationObjects can be visited.
For all Ranikhet photo features on this blog, #NAINAxRANIKHET link can be visited.