This post is literally only for me to record one instance of the large-hearted love I’ve received from complete strangers all my life.
Tulsi ji was meeting me for the first time ever. I was only supposed to visit their home but then I was also invited to eat lunch with my entire family. So, off we went to their home in the Mukteshwar hills. Simply because I was in the vicinity and Tulsi ji’s son Pawan, is my colleague at Suryagarh, where I currently work.
The food was, as expected, insanely good. Home made ghee from home-grown cows. Desi-chicken from their home’s chicken coop. The largest chicken no less. They said they had been waiting for a special occasion to use the chicken. Locally grown vegetables. A chutney made from peaches from a tree in their backyard.
But. But. But.
What took the cake was that we casually mentioned that wanted to carry fresh peaches back home because we don’t really get such juicy fruit back in Gurgaon. Before we could blink an eye, Tulsi ji was in the tree in the backyard. Wearing her slippers and saree and balancing on branches to get to the fattest peaches. For four city-dwellers who did not anticipate what a “casual mention” would elicit.
That’s it. That’s what this blog post is about. I’m currently sinking my teeth into fat, juicy, ripe peaches as I sorely miss the hills and hospitality of Mukteshwar.