The Chivas Studio, 2012 Delhi Edition was held at ITC Maurya Sheraton with a preview of Karan Johar & Shakun Batra’s Stangers In the Night, which is a short film and Rohit Bal‘s steel installations that were part of his theme called Tamaashaa. For Chivas Studio Bombay, see Day One and Day Two.
Below: Look who I found as I walked into the venue! Gudda high up on a chair, with wine glass at the foot of the chair – fixing a turban on the head of the first steel-man at the entrance.

Below: Something’s different! This wasn’t how it was at the Bombay edition! Glowing gorgeousness behind a veil!

Below: The venue were the lawns at the ITC Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi.

Below: Omer of ShowHouse suggested something about distorted visuals and I though the colors would look lovely in abstract long exposure frames.

Below: Rohit Bal’s clothes unveiled.

Below: Karan Johar wasn’t there in person but a short video to introduce the short film, Strangers In The Night had been created for the audience.

Below: Saba Azad from a frame of the film.

Below: Yolanda McLellan @yolandamclellan

Below: Karan Pandit

Below: On the left is Karan Pandit and on the right is the director of the movie, Shakun Batra @shakunbatra

Below: Mohit Marwah from Strangers In The Night.

Below: From the ShowHouse team, left is Lloyd from Bandra *grin* and on the right is Jeevan.

Below: Shatbhi Basu and her bar-tending team.

Below: Team members from Chivas and ShowHouse celebrate the wrap of another successful day!

Photographed for Pernod Ricard.