Beautiful “raat ki rani” fragrance wafted from the pavement right up to the 3rd floor apartment balcony. It was thick and luscious and beautiful.
Relaxing on the couch with some wine and then rushing to figure out the score on the latest cricket match on television. Ugh for the latter. But a boy’s gotta do what a boy’s gotta do.
One day in Gurgaon was NOT enough. But in many ways, it was perfect. We had one absolutely rocked out night and then back to base. It would have been so wonderful to see both the girls as well though.
A new addition to the “family” although we did end up completely boring her. We’re not sure she likes the “family” or if she’ll ever visit us again. My guess is, she’s DEFINITELY never having Cranberry juice again.
He calls me “mumma” for some reason. Sometimes – thankfully not always. And yes, wives ( on the left ) tend to find their husbands supremely funny for no reason. *wink* Or maybe it’s that silly, made-up smile.
Current entertainment “superman” entertaining what used to previously be our entertainment superman. Yes.
Ah. Phone calls. The one on the left can’t help smiling because of the impending doom due to the one on the right doing some “fixing”. The one on the right needed some fixing of his own later in the night but that’s another story.
This above is my favorite photograph from the evening. Extreme left is showing picture of his baby to the others who are married but no kids – yet. The “awwws” were probably audible down the street. Shocking behavior.
Thank you for the lovely photo Priyanka! For making one awesome with your lovely smile and for making one of me. Love.
Not everyone has quit smoking but there’s a marked change in how our conversations now revolve around “serious” things like buying a house and planning for the future etc. The banter almost always carries undertones of something. There’s a lot of history here, so understandably there are private jokes and hints. I see this lot probably once in six months. We meet like nothing has changed, catch up over a few drinks and then bid adieu and literally do not hear from each other till another six months are up. It doesn’t feel strange at all.
Yes, I think we are friends in the “real” sense of the word.
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