Adobe Creative Cloud recently launched a new 2016 edition and the first thing that caught my eye was Adobe Capture ( which is available for Android! PHEW! ). And the demo above completely reeled me in – I’ve never imagined that creating seamless patterns would be this easy. I miss my branding days, when I would have found more use of this feature but the latent graphic designer in me was thrilled nonetheless. Imagine the possibilities! Your own unique pattern to be applied on book covers, packaging, wallpapers, etc.
Some screenshots from within the app on my phone.
Some screenshots of what it looks like when I bring it into Adobe Photoshop on my laptop.
From the Adobe website : Design album cover artwork with decorative patterns. A step-by-step guide to use this feature from Adobe Capture better.
With tools like these – available for free – that anyone with a mobile phone can use – it’s a travesty if you’re still doing ugly branding. This thing below – took 10 minutes to make from scratch. Made the pattern bu emailing the logo file to my phone, bringing it into Adobe Capture, applying pattern saving. Made line artwork of my ugly face using the “shape” option in the Adobe Capture app on my phone – it took a bit to “smooth shape”. Since I am on Wifi – both mobile device and laptop, the library synced and voila! the shapes and patterns emerged in the Adobe Photoshop screen that’s open on my laptop and I quickly put this thing together. Granted it’s an ugly face but it’s my face and I love me. Smooch!
Oh and the “Yolk” thing above is from a photo I shot of my breakfast in the morning today. See original photo here on my Instagram.
Some screenshots from the app as I used it on the phone to define shapes from photos. I kid you not.
The final result and how I ended up using it.
I write about Adobe sometimes. On this blog I mean. You can see everything I’ve ever said about Adobe or done with the brand by clicking on this hashtag link : #REDHUxAdobe
Happy playing around with this app!
Adobe Capture CC on the Google Play Store for your Android device.