These were photographed in December 2012 when I was photographing an exclusive dinner at the French Ambassador to India’s residence at the French Embassy. With Chateau Palmer wine and Louis XII Cognac. It’s been on the blog earlier, but here I’m sharing some never-before seen photographs from that evening. In anticipation of the upcoming Louis XIII dinner where I’ve been invited as a guest. One hopes that after being hired as a photographer, then invited as a sit-down guest, it would come back to being hired as a photographer!
I have some great memories from the French Ambassador’s residence, having shot many client assignments there – the staff ALWAYS fawned over me, fed me, got me sneaky swigs of all kinds of liquor – yes, including LouisXIII cognac! Good days. I’ve been back at the embassy as a guest too and love saying hello to the kitchen and serving staff. A couple of them fondly call me “bawli” ( the crazy one ). And it’s always a blast.
The invitation the LouisXIII experience at ITC Maurya, scheduled on the 12th of December below. Can’t wait to be there! This time, I intend to pay more attention to the golden liquid pouring down my throat, instead of only how beautiful the bottle is. Since Bharat doesn’t drink alcohol, he’s always a great date to take along to experiences like these – I don’t have to look like a cheapskate asking for seconds 😛
Other photo stories from the #EyesForLuxury section on